Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Cleaning Dental Plaque and Coral

Plaque is the soft and sticky coating on teeth that consists of protein and bacteria (biofilm). Plaque is made up of 70% of bacteria from saliva. Plaque formed immediately after you finish brushing. Within 48 hours after its formation, plaque begins to harden by calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals from saliva, into tartar.

Tartar itself is not dangerous, but it has a very rough surface where the bacteria can be easily attached on its surface. This rough surface into a colony of bacteria that cause a variety of problems, such as inflammation of the gums (gingivitis / periodontitis), tooth decay (caries) and bad breath (halitosis). Tartar is also a cosmetic problem because it makes your teeth yellow or brown. Tartar is more porous than the enamel making it easy to change colors. If you smoke or drink coffee or tea often, your teeth will be affected tartar turns brown or black.

Cleaning of plaque
The best way to remove plaque is by brushing (especially at night and early morning), with interdental cleaning by dental floss, toothpicks or inter-dental brushes.

Dental plaque is hardly noticeable because the color is whitish, with teeth. Plaques can be made visible with a special dye liquid or tablet. Materials that can help you discover areas that need more attention when cleaning teeth. In children, the dye was useful to check if they are brushing their teeth properly.
Take one tablet dye and let it melt on your tongue. Move your tongue to the surface of your teeth. Rinse until the water is no longer colored. The part where your teeth are discolored place plaque. Give more attention to those places when cleaning your teeth.

Cleaning of tartar
Tartar that has formed normally can only be removed by a dentist. Your dentist will use a combination of high pressure water and a cleaning tool to remove the tartar. Dentists use a tool called a scaler to clean tartar manually or electronically. If tartar with severe gum disease, patients may be referred to a specialist periodontist dentist for cleaning and further treatment.

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