Halloween may be the scariest night of the year, but there�s no reason you can�t look your best while playing dress up. Whether you plan to keep your Halloween make up simple or your costume requires an epic face paint project, here are some beauty tips to make the most of your Halloween costume.
The most basic tip is true whether you are planning a Halloween night out, special event or just a day at the office. Your skin is the base for any make up you do. Stay well hydrated leading up to Halloween night to combat the effects of all the sugar and alcohol. If you are looking for a more in depth beauty routine, try a homemade spa treatment. Just toss half of a cucumber into a blender, then add ingredients specific to your skin issues; lemon to brighten and remove spots, oatmeal to exfoliate, yogurt to nourish and cleans, rosemary oil to fight aging or honey to moisturize.
Don�t spoil all the work for your Halloween costume by putting a cheap product on your skin. Beauty blog All Women Stalk suggests that you stick with cosmetic grade make up. To get the most out of your money, try colors that are dark and rich enough to make an impression, but classic enough to be used later. Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tar in Black Dahlia (MSRP $18) is perfect for a vampire or pin up inspired Halloween costume, but also great for a night out any other day of the year. Bonus tip; try trailing a bit of Black Dahlia at the corners of your lips for the perfect just fed look.
To keep things festive, but simple, SeventeenMagazine recommends face tattoos. These temporary tattoos go on easily and stay put, unlike more complicated face paint. Not to fret, they peel off easily at the end of the night. Find them at your local Claire�s for $8.50.
If you prefer to express yourself through your nails, but don�t have the time or funds for a professional manicure, cheat with a press-on manicure. Kiss makes a line that has everything you need (nails in multiple sizes and glue tabs that fit to your nail size) in one package for less than $5.
Don�t forget to remove your Halloween makeup at the end of the night or face skin care horrors in the morning. Total Beauty recommends Noxema Clean Moisture Makeup Removal Cloths($4.95). Toss a few into a ziplock bag and into your purse to easily remove your Halloween makeup on the ride home.source:inquisitr.com
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